Insulation resistance measurement: up to 40 TΩ

  • measurement voltage: 50…10000 V range (50...1000 V at 10 V and 1...10 kV at 25 V),
  • continuous indication of measured insulation resistance or leakage current,
  • automatic discharge of measured object capacitance voltage after the end of insulation resistance measurement,
  • acoustic signaling of 5 seconds intervals to facilitate capturing time characteristics,
  • adjustable measuring time to 99'59'’,
  • metered T1, T2 and T3 test times for measuring one or two absorption coefficients from the range of 1…600 s,
  • polarization index (PI), absorption coefficients Ab1, Ab2 and dielectric absorption ratio (DAR) measurement,
  • indication of actual test voltage during measurement,
  • 1.2 mA, 3 mA and 5 mA test current,
  • insulation resistance measurement using two- or three-wire method,
  • measurements with test leads up to 20 m...
  • protection against measuring live objects,
  • automatic measurement of multiple core cables with the additional AutoISO-5000 adapter (for MIC-10k1 max. voltage 5 kV)
  • measurement of capacitance during the measurement of RISO.
  • measurement of temperature (with additional probe - WASONT1),
  • step voltage insulation resistance measurement (SV),
  • Dielectric Discharge calculation (DD),
  • location of damage (burnout),


  • Digital filters function for measurements in high noise environment.
  • Continuity measurement of protective connections and equipotential bonding in accordance with EN 61557-4 with current > 200 mA.
  • Adjustable limits for measured resistance RISO and RCONT.
  • Measurement of leakage current during insulation resistance testing.
  • DC and AC voltage measurement in the range of 0...750 V.
  • Drawing graphs on the display during measurement.
  • Innovative memory with possibility of description of: measurement points, facilities, names of customers.
  • Operating with mini Bluetooth keyboard (option).
  • MIC-10s1 - Stable measurements in noisy environments such as 765 kV substations.
  • Graphic LCD 5,6'’ backlit.
  • Keyboard backlit.
  • Power supply from battery packs.
  • Built-in fast charger.
  • The instruments meet the requirements of the EN 61557 standard.

Press articles:


Insulation resistance measurement 
Measurement range acc. to IEC 61557-2: UN = 10000V: 10,0MΩ…40,0TΩ

Range Resolution Accuracy
0,0...999 kΩ 1 kΩ ±(3% m.v. + 10 digits)
1,00...9,99 MΩ 0,01 MΩ
10,0...99,9 MΩ 0,1 MΩ
100...999 MΩ 1 MΩ
1,00...9,99 GΩ 0,01 GΩ
10,0...99,9 GΩ 0,1 GΩ
100...999 GΩ 1 GΩ ±(3,5% m.v. + 10 digits)
1,00...9,99 TΩ 0,01 TΩ ±(7,5% m.v. + 10 digits)
10,0...20,0 TΩ 0,1 TΩ ±(12,5% m.v. + 10 digits)
10,0...40,0 TΩ

Values of measured resistance depending on measurement voltage

Voltage UISO Measurement
measurement range
50 V 200 GΩ 20,0 GΩ
100 V 400 GΩ 40,0 GΩ
250 V 1,00 TΩ 100 GΩ
500 V 2,00 TΩ 200 GΩ
1000 V 4,00 TΩ 400 GΩ
2500 V 10,00 TΩ 400 GΩ
5000 V 20,0 TΩ 400 GΩ
10 000 V 40,0 TΩ -

Step voltage insulation resistance measurement

Voltage UISO MIC-10k1
50...1000 V 10 V
1000...5000 V 25 V
5000...10000 V 25 V

Continuity measurement of protective connections and equipotential bonding with 200 mA current
Measurement range acc. to EN 61557-4: 0,12...999 Ω

Range Resolution Accuracy
0,00...19,99 Ω 0,01 Ω ±(2%m.v. + 3 digits)
20,0...199,9 Ω 0,1 Ω
200...999 Ω 1 Ω ±(4%m.v. + 3 digits)
  • Voltage on open terminals: 4...24 V
  • Output current at R < 15 Ω: min. 200 mA (ISC: 200...250 mA)
  • Compensation of test lead resistance
  • Current flowing in both directions, mean value of resistance is displayed

DC and AC voltage measurement

Range Resolution Accuracy
0.0...29,9 V 0,1 V ±(2% m.v. + 20 digits)
30,0...299,9 V 0,1 V ±(2%m.v. + 6 digits)
300...750 V 1 V ±(2% m.v. + 2 digits)
  • Frequency range: 45...65Hz

Measurement of capacitance

Display range Resolution Accuracy
1...999 nF 1 nF ±(5%m.v. + 5 digits)
1,00...49,99 µF 0,01 µF
  • capacity measurement result is displayed after the RISO measurement
  • for measuring voltages under 100 V capacitance measurement accuracy not specified.

Measurement of temperature

Display range Resolution Accuracy
-40,0...99,9 °C 1 °C ±(3%m.v. + 8 digits)
-40,0...211,8 °F 1 °F ±(3%m.v. + 16 digits)

Electrical safety:

  • type of insulation: double, in acc. with EN 61010-1 and IEC 61557
  • measurement category: IV 600 V (III 1000 V) in acc. with EN 61010-1
  • case protection rating in acc. with EN 60529: IP40 (IP67 - with lid closed)

Other technical specifications:

  • power supply of the meter: built-in battery pack,
  • weight of the meter: approx. 5,6 kg,
  • dimensions: 390 x 310 x 180 mm,
  • display: graphic LCD 5,6',
  • transmission of measurement results USB or Bluetooth®.

The acronym “m.v.” stands for a “measured reference value”.

Complete device information
Manufacturer site:


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Sonel MIC-10k1 Insulation Resistance Meter

  • Brand: Sonel S.A.
  • Model: MIC-10k1
  • Product Number: WMGBMIC10K1
  • Availability: 2 to 14 days order processing
  • 0.00€

Tags: Sonel, MIC-10k1, Insulation, Resistance, Meter